Dear leaders and congregations of Cuba City UMC,


Although none of us has a perfect manual for this public health risk of COVID 19, we as the church exist for such a time as this.

First and foremost, I wish you and your family good health, and pray that the peace of Almighty God will be with you in this situation.

What follows is my Ministry Plan for COVID 19 effective from this week.

This plan is intended to have us on the same page, to ensure critical ministry takes place, to help every congregation in church connection.


Ministry Plan for COVID 19 Emergency


1.   Events & Building Closure:


-All in-person events, including worship, meals and other public gatherings, are suspended until further notice.

-The building and offices are closed.

-Staffs, unless ill, may access the building for necessary functions.


2.   Plan for Communication


-We will utilize e-mail, Web-page (, SNS(if available), postal mail and telephone to connect with congregation & community. Please share any concerns and news with your pastor and congregation. We are helping and prayer community. Let’s be in connection by any possible communication tool and be the supporters one another.

Church Phone: 608-744-2538, church email:cubaumc@outlook,com

Pastor Phone: 414-737-4891 pastor email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

-We will collect all concerns and help-needed from congregations, and try to be helping hands as much as we can. 


3.   Plan for Spiritual Needs and Home Worship


-We are God's people and praying community of God. Let’s begin our prayer chain for all people. We utilized our prayer chain for urgent prayer requests. However, in this CORVID 19 emergency, I ask all congregations to pray for all other brothers and sisters in our church, community, and nation & world. We cannot meet in person but If possible, we can pray at the same time (at 8 AM and 8PM) in our different place.

-We will not make Sunday Worship service at the church until further notice. Because we have limitation to use online technology for all congregations, I will prepare a weekly news and messages for all to use for information and home worship service. It will be delivered to you by email or postal mail as you wish.


 4.   Plan for Children, Youth and Confirmation Class.

-We will not make ‘Wednesday Night Alive’ ‘Youth Program’ and ‘Confirmation Class’ until further notice.

-For the confirmation class, I ask all confirmation class students to study your text book according to our class schedule at home. And an important homework is to memorize what I assigned to you in class.



My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, all of you are precious God’s children to Cuba City UMC. I pray for your safety, health and wellness in God's care. Let’s keep in touch in healing power of Jesus Christ. Any ideas and recommendations to overcome this emergency is welcomed.


We will overcome this emergency situation in God’s Grace and Mercy.


God is always with you!



Pastor Hee Kwon Jung